Your LOCAL Pittsburgh Florist
800-BLUMEN-5    412-281-3322
2650 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
412-281-3322 | 800-258-6365
Product Details
Florence Fantasia
Item No: FC2PKFS-01
Our Florence Fantasia floral design features a gorgeous blend of hot pink and coral tones. With its combination of roses, carnations, Alstroemeria, and premium foliage arranged in a clear glass vase, this bouquet provides a delightfully inspiring touch to any occasion. At our flower shop, we continually update our flower inventory based on the seasons and market availability. The images you see here give you an overall idea of the size and style of our arrangements. We strive to provide same-day flower delivery in most instances, so kindly ensure that you provide us with the complete address and contact details of your recipient to guarantee a smooth direct delivery.

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